Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Close Encounters With A Pimp-Bot

I got a lovely comment today for my last post, about my music.  The comment was more or less, ".................."  It appeared to be a link as well.  But I didn't notice that at first.  So I did my standard response to a new comment and wrote to the commenter named "Ladys."

"Ladys," I wrote, "I haven't seen you here before, but that's the longest ellipsis I have ever seen."  Later today I clicked on the "long ellipsis" and it turned out it was a link... to a chinese porn site.  What's funny is that I visited the Ladys profile page, just to see who "Ladys" was, earlier.  And I was excited to have a Chinese follower!  Turns out it's a pimp bot.

Come to think of it, perhaps I am thrilled to be followed by a Chinese pimp bot.  A custom tailored, "Ladys" killer, that we'll call.... Chinese Pimp-Bot.

I guess I am rather naive.


Wine and Words said...

A Pimp Bot? Sounds like the latest transformer, or the number one selling toy this Christmas. A cyber pet? Lol, I just love the sound...pimp bot, pimp bot, pimp bot.

Unknown said...

Wine and Words,

Your sense of humor is on parade as usual. Why is it some people seem to live in a realm of jest? You certainly do. It's great.. And as an old flame of mine used to say (somewhat critically of me!) "There's truth in jest." She's was right, of course (but was I as well?)
I'm glad to see you here, as I remember you asking after my performance of my songs. As, annoying as I find some of the "sound" of the songs, as represented here, it is none the less the case that I had you in mind (among others) as I set them down. I am systematically going through them in the next few weeks and improving them, as I figure the glitches in my machine out. There's a lot of glitches, and then there is the matter of getting my sound right, so I don't lose the proper sound. Most of my "proper" sound is missing from these particular recordings, with the possible exception of agnostic ruse (and that song is way way to quiet.) So.... back to the salt mines.
I've been waiting to see you, and I'm glad you are here.... with your words... and your jesting... and always, your truth.

Harlequin said...

Andy--I am just as naive.... I have gone to several such sites not realizing that the commenter was only trolling... ah, well.

Unknown said...


Appreciate your consolation. My fear is that I was subconsciously attracted to a pimp-bot named Ladys. I've never accidentally entered a theatre with a sign that said Ladys. Perhaps I'm making up for lost time. Though naked, the girls weren't exactly ugly....

Anonymous said...

i got an awesome comment from a carpet-cleaning service. he, it, they, whoever, told me that my abstract sonnet contained some great mold-removal tips. i am pleased to be of service. i am also pleased to delete this interpolated spam-crumb... it was so nice to spend time with you the other day.